Other Things That I do

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Right at home

Back at home

So, being back at home after going to University. 
What can I say that I have learnt from my first semester at the University of Westminster? 

I can honestly say that I have missed physical exercise from the College. 
Because we didn't have to do sports at college, I was rather unfit when I came to Uni. I have since joined the Muay Thai team, and it is so much fun. 
I am damn sexy, I know. 
For those who don't know, Muay Thai is a combat martial art that originated in Thailand. 
The literal translation is "The Science of Eight Limbs", as you are able to use elbow and knee strikes when fighting in the ring, as well as standard punches and kicks. 
And as such, it is pretty brutal

I mean, I have been hit pretty well in the body, in the face, kidneys etc. But I keep going, because it's making me so much more fit and I prefer martial arts to just general sports because I feel as though I am going through a progression of ranks and am getting better and better at a sport that I will find useful if I am in physical danger. And despite how hard it is, I am loving it so much and I'm missing it since I've been at home for a few days. 

Great friends old and new

This is probably the biggest thing that I have to say about University. 
Moving away from home, and literally just living somewhere you have never been before is an experience that changes your outlook on life and the way that you make friends. Well, that's the way that I see it anyway. 
I've met so many awesome people, I can't list them all here. My flatmates are all awesome and amazing people in their own right :). 
Both in terms of just being awesome to talk to, and in just being the best people I could have hoped for to know in my first term of University. 
I sound slightly sad because two of my flatmates are Erasmus students, which means that they are foreign students (from France and Germany) and they will be leaving the country before the next semester. This makes me sad in many ways. :(. But it isn't goodbye, because I am going to see them again, and I am looking forward to it!  For reference, their names are Aline and Tra (pronounced Sha...I know...). 
I'm going to miss you guys so much :(. 

But moving on to my old friends! 
When I came back here, I met up with some friends I had not seen in a long time (just over 3 months) and I had some great times on Monday Night Guildford (out and drinking effectively), although I will say that Casino is quite possibly the most overrated place that I have ever drunk at. £6 for entry, £8.10 for a small bottle of Magners and a shot of tequila. The music was awful, the club was far too crowded, and what's more they weren't allowing people to move downstairs so that they could free up room...Wow. The original plan was to go to Weatherspoons and have drinks there, but because I had a can outside the bar the knobhead security guard wouldn't let me in. So that was annoying. Also, the fact that quite a few people left before we went to Weatherspoons, which was a tad annoying as well. But hey, there's always a few more weeks to catch up. 

I think it's the little things that you miss when you leave home, like thick bread, decent bacon, and a comfy bed. Aside from the obvious things like free food and not having to pay rent. 
Well, that's one semester down. 
Only one to go! But it is a big one...

Until next time, 

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