Other Things That I do

Saturday 24 November 2012

My current workflow

Video making is quite hard time consuming

So, I haven't uploaded a video to my YouTube account for a good couple of weeks now...and there is a good reason for that. 
Well, a few good reasons actually. 

1. I lost the charger for my camera (seen right), which means that I can't film anything on it. 

2. I have got a laptop, with no editing software on it. This was a deliberate choice because it isn't necessary, as nearly all of the computers I have access to here at Uni have all of the editing software I could ever need. 

3. I am trying to get used to a tape-based workflow. Workflow is simply the term used to describe the way that you take the raw video (tape, files etc) and the process by which you get it to the finished online product. 
The camera that I am using for filming (whenever I get the chance) is the Sony Z5. 
(Pictured left). It is a lovely camera, and I filmed my most recent upload with it, and the quality is very high. I love it.
But there is one slightly annoying thing about this camera, it uses DV tapes. And I have never worked with DV before. It's all rather new to me, and I can't edit the videos that I have shot in the library, I need to be in M Block which is where the edit suites are. And they aren't open on the weekend, which is a huge pain in the arse. 
The editing process also takes a very long time. 
I didn't realize how long it actually took until I started to cut my own stuff, especially using tape. 

4. Shooting takes a long time. Especially when using sound equipment, a heavy tripod and an expensive camera that requires quite a lot of setup. I filmed some of a sketch yesterday, and it took us about three hours to capture the final bits of a sketch that will probably be no longer than three minutes in total. So yeah, it's a lot of time. 

A DV tape

5. I am busy as hell. As well as my course work, I have other projects which I am working on and other activities that I do. Just to break it down: I am a presenter for two shows on Smoke Radio, I am a member of the Muay Thai team, I film these videos, I probably going to be a writer on a gaming magazine that my flatmate Chris is setting up, and I'm also trying to have a good time. 
That doesn't sound like a lot, but there just isn't enough time to do everything that I want to do. 
I have been filming videos for quite a while during this break, you just haven't seen them because I haven't had a chance to get into an editing suite. 
That and procrastination. 
A lot of procrastination. 

So, that's basically why I haven't been uploading as many videos that I want to. 
Especially since coming to Uni, I have had more ideas than ever. And I can't work on them until I get into a routine or a workflow that really works for me. 
I am learning so much all of the time about shooting, my course, about radio and most importantly myself. 
I'll get there. 
Don't you worry. 

Also, welcome to my Blog! 
I've started this because I don't want to make videos about everything that I want to tell you guys. 
Hope that you guys like it, I'm getting more into this whole blogging thing. 
It's good :) 

See you guys later, 

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